dividing cells cancer


Mar 24 2025


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Oncophobia and its Discontents

The March presentation topic is to explore a case study of “Oncophobia” and the far-reaching effects the fear of cancer has on the economic and physical well-being of US citizens. During his career in medical device development, Eric became aware of the astounding penalty society paid for but a single indication, and its cascading effects through defensive medical practices on Quality-of-Life-Years, the single standard upon which all medical decisions are supposedly based. He hopes to present a case dispositively but welcome repartee with the well-informed audience that is Science and Art.

Eric Rugart currently serves as CEO of FetaMed  a medical device business serving the women’s health community. Eric is an active angel investor and co-founder of the Broad Street Angels, Pennsylvania’s largest membership angel investor organization. His entrepreneurial pedigree includes co-founding ZSX Medical, leading a biometric security technology company, and early-stage investments that include Nano-Pack, Inc.; Huntress Cybersecurity, Lifeguard Mobile; CaseNetworks, Inc.; and Crestline Technologies, Inc. As a youth, Eric honed his passion for science by optimizing solar refraction configurations of convex and Fresnel lenses for ambience modification of hymenoptera as well as exploring the effects of hypernatremia on gastropod epithelial migration patterns. He continues to torture colleagues and associates to this day.

Eric is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.